Wednesday, March 19, 2008

A few summary points

The skill of summarising is such a handy one to have. The student or employee who is able to summarise a complex document for another reader is highly valued.

As we speak, students in Communication for Information Systems and Technology are busily trying to distill an entire article into 350 - 450 words. There are some simple guidelines to help with this seemingly tough task.
  • First draw a concept map or picture of the main ideas. Your picture might look something like this:

  • Secondly, when you begin to write, introduce the main ideas in the order in which they appear in the article.

  • Thirdly, make good use of words which list such as firstly, secondly, thirdly and so on.

  • Fourth, look for opposites and similarities...

    One view taken...however....on one hand...on the contrast
  • Finally, you should deal with one idea per paragraph.

Good summarising relies on sometimes ruthless editing skills. A useful device is to just refer to the actual article and author once (in the opening sentence where you might cite bibliographic details):

In the chapter 'Climate Change - an inevitable reality' (Thompson, 2002), the author underlines three main reasons why we should take heed of rising temperatures.

Firstly, as temperatures rise, sea levels will rise. This means....


Hone this important skill and reap the rewards!

Andrea on behalf of the Learning Advisers

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

The fundamentals of report writing

As many of our engineering and computer science students prepare their first reports, it is worth visiting some of the basic requirements of report writing. As we speak, we know that students in Sustainable Engineering Practice and Introduction to Information Technology Studies are busy contemplating their first reports or drafts.

The first thing to say is that there are 'reports' and there are 'reports'.

If you are reporting on an experiment, then you will produce what is known as a 'practical report'. If you are reporting on an issue under an investigation, then it is likely to be a 'technical report' . Reports are also produced for things like software specification.

Secondly, reports are tightly structured. They use:
  • Section headings which are well understood (such as 'abstract' or 'executive summary'; 'introduction'; 'conclusion'; recommendations)

  • Numbered headings and subheadings

  • Cohesive 'linking' language - firstly, secondly, thirdly...therefore, in conclusion

Thirdly, they use an objective 'tone'. There is no place for the first person 'I' in report writing. Nor is there any place for:

  • Vague and imprecise terms (various, numerous...)

  • Flowery language with out support (excellent! wonderful! super!)

  • Unsubstantiated claims without references.

Perhaps the most important piece of advice we can offer is to think of yourself as making the job easier for the reader. Reports are often read by busy people. Careful construction of sections combined with precise cohesive sentences will make for a more enjoyable and persuasive document.

There is no doubt that being able to construct a good report is highly valued by employers. If you can get it right, not only will your report attract great marks, but it will contribute to your success in the job market.

Best of luck with your first assignments.

Helen and Andrea

Your resident Mawson Lakes Learning Advisers and Bloggers.

Monday, March 3, 2008

Following the success of the Writing in the Sciences workshops at Mawson Lakes, City East Learning Connection is offering a new Writing in the Sciences series during Study Period 2, 2008.

Workshop topics include:
  • Surviving at Uni
  • Speed reading
  • Mindmapping
  • Assessments are they all the same?
  • Finding your critical voice
  • Self-editing
  • Using sources strongly and wisely.

You are invited to book into the sessions and come to Learning Connection, City East to hear great speakers present interesting sessions! We would love to see Mawson Lakes students at City East.

Liz Horrocks and Susanna Carter

Lecturers: Learning Advice